
Will McConnell, Pastor

Will McConnell has been the Associate Pastor of Trinity since 2011. Prior to that he was the youth minister from 2007-2011. He is bi-vocational and runs a plumbing company in Oklahoma City. 
He is the husband of Charity and daddy to 12 children as well as being a Father in law and grandpa.  Will has a heart for missions and a desire to reach all people with the Gospel of Jesus.


Coy Buckley, Student Minister

Coy graduated from OBU in May of 2007 with a degree in International Business & finance.  Coy has served 3 years in India with the IMB. He married Gillett in 2012 and is the father of 2 children.

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Jim Clapp, Deacon

Keith Stingley, Deacon

Donnie Ferrell, Deacon

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