The following topics are covered below:
- The Dashboard
- Pages vs Posts
- The WordPress Editor
- Creating a Post
To create this easy-to-use reference, we have pulled free videos from a variety of experts. However, content in these videos may be change or be updated from time to time without our knowledge. We are not responsible for any of the video content.
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The WordPress Dashboard
This free video provides an overview of the WordPress administration panel, which provides access to the functions and features of your WordPress-powered website.
Covered in this free video:
- Familiarizing yourself with the WordPress Dashboard.
- How to customize the WordPress interface just for you.
- Hide Dashboard modules you rarely use.
- The collapsible navigation menu and functions.
- The default modules that are available to users.
- How to use the Quick Draft module to quickly save ideas.
Learn more at: WordPress 101
Posts vs Pages
In this video, the second in this series, we’ll take a look at the two primary forms of content supported by WordPress: Posts and Pages
Posts are blog entries — or articles—that are displayed in chronological order on your homepage, typically with the newest post at the top. Unlike pages, posts usually have comments beneath them and are also included in your site’s RSS feed.
Pages, on the other hand, are typically used for “static content” — or content that doesn’t change very often. Pages are typically included in your site’s navigation menu, which is usually located at or near the top of the site.
Covered in this video:
- Posts and Pages in WordPress.
- The key differences between Posts and Pages.
- Examples of both, in action.
WordPress Posts vs Pages from on Vimeo..
Find another free video on Posts vs Pages on WordPress101
The WordPress Editor
This tutorial video takes a brief tour of all the buttons and functions in the WordPress editor, which is used for editing posts, pages, and other types of content in WordPress.
If you’ve ever used a text editor like Microsoft Word, then you’ll be right at home with the editor toolbar in WordPress. The buttons across the top of the edit pane allow you to simply format text by highlighting a word or phrase, then clicking the button corresponding with the appropriate format style.
Covered in this video:
- How to use each function in the WordPress editor toolbar.
- How to apply bold, italic, or strikethrough formats.
- Inserting bulleted or numbered lists.
- Highlighting text with the blockquote function.
- Aligning text to the left, center, or right.
- Creating and editing text links.
- Using the “More” function to display just an excerpt on the front page.
- The gorgeous, distraction-free full-screen mode.
- Show the second row of buttons with the “Kitchen Sink” button!
- Toggling between Visual and Text/HTML mode in the editor.
- And much, much more…
WP 101 Lesson 3 – The WordPress Editor from Concordia Tomball on Vimeo.
Find more on The WordPress Editor at WordPress101
Creating a New Post
This tutorial video demonstrates how to create a new post (or article) in WordPress.
Posts are blog entries—or articles—that are displayed in chronological order on your homepage, typically with the newest post at the top. Unlike pages, posts usually have comments fields beneath them and are also included in your site’s RSS feed.
Covered in this video:
- Creating a new post in WordPress using the Posts > Add New >.
- Formatting text and content using the editing tools.
- Assigning tags to your post. (Adding categories is not covered but you can simply add this from the right-hand sidebar when you create a new post or go to Posts > Categories >.)
- Adding a Featured Image to your post at the botton of the right-hand sidebar.
- Postdating or scheduling a post for another time.
- How to save and publish posts to your site.
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